Although simple, this project makes a large impact. Using the customer’s existing exterior metal sign, we accurately measured and designed an appealing graphic that showcased their business name and line of work. Using 3M Permanent White Vinyl with 3M Matte Finish Over-laminate we properly cleaned and prepared the surface and
completed this installation on-site.
Your business image or brand is important for a number of reasons, which resonate with employees, neighboring businesses, clients and the general public. You should also consider that – when you ask people to visit your location – the last thing you want is for them to feel lost or uncomfortable.
Think of the prospective client making that all-important first time visit to your office. Prospective clients are looking for a good impression. Building signs are a key part of getting that job done.
Building signs come in all sizes and shapes. There are those that adhere to exterior and interior walls, freestanding signs, wayfinding signs, access-related signs, and, of course, signs for every department and building on campus. We are expert at showing you how you can make all of your building signs look uniform and recognizable as your brand.
Office buildings and complexes everywhere are communities. Part of building a community involves making people feel comfortable. It’s counter-productive to have areas where people wonder where they are or how to get to another area easily. There should always be signs – such as monument signs – pointing the way to different areas around your building or complex. Don’t forget your complex map kiosk areas, which help everyone find their way.
For events, you can have fun with whimsical shapes and bright colors. In this way, it is possible to create a fun, creative atmosphere, as well as promoting fun and knowledge.
Building signs should be a high priority when looking to re-shape or re-design a complex. Competition for new clients is fierce. With building signs, you can make a huge difference in the atmosphere of your location. In effect, you can alter how people feel and what they think about being associated with your university.
We are expert at showing you how building signs can significantly impact your business image and branding. We are experienced and can handle any signage need at any stage. Give us a call today and begin turning your businesses life around with building signs that are not only helpful, but also say something positive about your business, its employees, clients and neighboring businesses.