The Importance of Storefront Signs for Your Business


The importance of storefront signs to your business can’t be stressed enough; they’re the first thing that potential customers see when they walk by, and if they don’t immediately connect with your brand, then you might lose out on some business. While choosing signs doesn’t have to be an overly complicated process, it does involve some consideration of what to display, how many signs you want, and where you want them placed. In this article I will discuss these points and provide several tips on how you can find the storefront signs that are right for your business.

Why Signage Is Important

outdoor cabinet sign
Storefront signs are vital to keep your business on top

* Visibility: The goal with any signage is to grab people’s attention and get them interested in what you have to offer. If they do not see your signage and come in contact with you, then they may never know what they were missing out on! 

* Brand Recognition: One of the reasons why storefront signs are so popular is because they help customers recognize brands that they may not have heard of before. By using their brand colors, fonts, logos and other design elements, these companies are able to create a strong association between their products/services and their brand. Essentially, this ensures that each time someone sees their storefront sign, it will trigger a positive association with their brand, which increases customer loyalty as well as trustworthiness among potential customers. 

* Establish Trust: Customers want a personal experience when they enter stores – one where they can build up trust with whoever owns the establishment from the minute they step foot inside until the minute they leave. There needs to be some sort of recognition or indication that everything is safe, good quality, etc.; otherwise customers don’t know if it’s worth spending money at your place.

Types of Storefront Signs

There are a variety of storefront signs you can choose from when designing your sign, such as channel letter, cabinet, awning and hanging signs. Channel letters are one of the most traditional types of signs because they have been around since the 1920s. A cabinet sign is used to promote a product or service and is often found in restaurants. An awning sign is typically located at the entrance to a business and usually displays the name of the company in big letters or images. Hanging signs are commonly seen in clothing stores or boutiques that use them to advertise their newest merchandise.

In need of a storefront sign for your business? Contact us at Prairie Fire Signs and Graphics today!

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